Help me to bring this ancient healing technique out to more rural communities and spread the word. Join me for a sound bath in Moreton Morell.

Whilst we can’t see energy, we can feel it as vibrations and all energy, all vibrations generate sound. Sound is one way for us to experience energy. Sound energy can have a healing impact on many levels. Deep vibration can release the tension of muscles and pain, it massages the organs and rewires the brain which allows stress and anxiety to disappear.

You may have heard the term sound or gong bath before but perhaps not 'Nada Yoga' - Nada meaning sound and Yoga meaning union - so “union through sound”. The union of body, mind and spirit. This ancient technique is used not merely to bathe you in sound....it’s about what it does on the inside.

All you need to do is turn up, lie down and get comfortable with blankets and pillows as you relax and “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound. A number of different sounds and instruments will be played during this sound/gong bath, so you will experience many different vibrational frequencies washing over you. Spaces are limited so please book in advance.

Event Information

Event Date Mon 4 Mar 2024 6:00 pm
Event End Date Mon 4 Mar 2024 8:00 pm
Individual Price £10.00
Location The Room

Registration Closed